Internship vs Job

Internship vs Job


So far internship season is a bust, everyone I know myself included got nepotism internships. When I do get to a technical interview its easy, but it does seem like the resume is all that truly matters. Ironically I have no trouble getting contract work and accidently applying for SE jobs. The interviewers have different goals it seems, Internships wanna make you into the solution for a problem they dont have yet, so have TOO many skills hurts. Meanwhile, Software Engineers know what the problem is and need someone with those skills asap. At least I seem to have gotten one, although it is using PHP, I love the langauge and regret not learning it sooner its so much fun to mess with, I made a goldfish face when I saw “php -s” thats nuts. Scared to see what mess exists in their code base though, gotta get good fast for this one.

I Miss naps.

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